Friday, August 8, 2008

More on Georgia vs. Russia

Things could have been a lot worse. Larison:

Remember, both Obama and McCain wanted Georgia to join NATO, and the Bush administration tried to have them admitted at the last meeting in Bucharest. Had it not been for the resistance of several European governments, this small, ugly crisis could have potentially been the trigger for an international disaster that might have dragged in all of Europe and the U.S. I assume that this does not just mean that Georgia won’t be allowed into NATO, but that it also means that eastward NATO expansion in its entirety will halt. Of course, that would make sense. If I know McCain and his obsessive Russophobia, he will take this episode as proof that we must make Georgia a member of NATO and must do it right now.

I don't pretend to know too much about this subject, but Larison's post is the most informative I've read thus far.

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