Monday, August 11, 2008

All Tied Up

Matt Yglesias:
If Kristol really thinks we should go to war with Russia, he’s being crazy and irresponsible. If he doesn’t think that, then he has no business busting out these Munich analogies. Nowhere in his column does he propose a single concrete step with any meaningful chance of altering the situation — it’s all dedicated to mocking doves, but utterly lacking in viable alternatives.
I linked to this because I think it gets another problem caused by the War in Iraq. If we had no troops in Iraq, we could have still, in theory, come to the aid of Georgia militarily. Would we have done so? Probably not. But it would have served as a deterrent. Right now, the bad actors of the world - Iran, Russia, whoever - have free reign because they know there is nothing the United States is tied up elsewhere and can't do anything to stop them. So Kristol knows he can't call for war with Russia because we have no troops to fight said war, but still wants to make fun of anyone who would be opposed to a theoretical war.

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